P-06-1422 Rescind the 20mph limit on TRA4076 at Johnston Pembrokeshire - Correspondence from the Petitioner to the Committee, 25 June 2024


I have written to Trunk20mph on 3rd of May.


The reasons for excepting this road are laid out in the petition which are in keeping with the original exception guidance issued. 


I would argue with the cabinet minister that the 20mph zones were introduced to manage demand and motivate a shift away from private car use as stated in WG transport strategy….and the legislation introduce by the deputy climate change minister suggests this was the priority rather than safety. 


A House of Lords report on Behavoir change for climate and environmental goals also stated the measures that could dissuade private vehicle use would include reduced speed limits. 


Every sensible person applauds lower limits near schools however imposing a 20mph limit on what is a main arterial route through the county is not sensible. 


Thank you for your consideration of this petition.